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der Meister der stillen Töne
RALF GAUCK - einer der renommiertesten Bassisten Europas - wenn er die Bühne betritt und mit seinem Bass die Zuhörer in seinen Bann zieht, vergisst man schnell, dass dort „nur“ ein Musiker mit vier Saiten spielt. Dabei spielt er eine Mixtur aus Pop, Jazz, Folk und Klassik und sein Konzert Programm umfaßt dabei eigene Lieder bis zur Musik von Sting, Beatles, Bach oder Metallica. Sucht man dabei nach technischen Hilfsmittel und Effekt Geräten, wird man bei Ralf nur einen Kapodaster oder Beckenschlegel entdecken. Bei ihm ist die Musik noch im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes handgemacht. Dabei begeistert er nicht nur die Presse und seine Zuhörer, sondern auch Sting persönlich, der ihn bei der Veröffentlichung seiner Solo-CD FIELDS OF GOLD unterstützte. Die renommierte Wochenzeitung DIE ZEIT nahm diese Produktion, die in Oslo von dem weltberühmten Tonmeister Jan Erik Kongshaug aufgenommen wurde, in die Jahresbestenliste 2007 auf. Die Deutsche Popstiftung zeichnete ihn mehrfach mit dem ersten Preis als BESTER BASSIST aus.
Die Fachpresse bezeichnete ihn als "Basswunder". Er spielte weltweit Konzerte, wie dem Festival "Abbey Road on the River" Louisville / USA, bis zum Nemzetközi Akusztikusgitar Festival in Ungarn. Gauck arbeitete in weltberühmten Tonstudios, wie den "Abbey Road Studios" / London oder den "Rainbow Studios" / Oslo. Er teilte sich unter anderem die Bühne mit Michael Manring (US), Tony Sheridan (GB), Ian Melrose (SCO), Andres Godoy (CHI), den Hermit's Hermits (GB) oder dem Wings Schlagzeuger Denny Seiwell und produzierte Referenz CDs für BOSE und DYNAUDIO.
2014 brachte die Edelbassmanufaktur Franz Bassguitars das Sirius Ralf Gauck Signature fretless Bass Modell auf den Markt.
2024 baute die deutsche Edelbassmanufaktur Marleaux Bassguitars für Ralf einen bundierten Bass aus der Reihe Spock.
Heute lebt Ralf in der Stadt Norden in Ostfriesland, unterrichtet und hat ein eigenes Studio für Tonaufnahmen und Videoproduktionen.

New video with lars lehmann

Lars Lehmann and I produced a video for our friend Ove Bosch, who passed away two years ago. To listen to the music, just copy the YouTube link and open it in a new window: 



new music with Roland Heidrich

I had the honor to play my bass along the music of the wonderful Roland Heidrich from Budapest / Hungary.


Beside my playing I did the mix and the mastering. To listen to the music, just copy the YouTube Link and open it in a new window: 



new Video ... BASS & CELLO

The last months I was working on a new composition for bass & cello. I worked together with the outstanding Julia Panzer on cello and did record it in the studio of Tobias Obentheuer (www.medienproduktion2punkt0.de). We made some video recordings along with it and I took some photo shots of a lost place. I am very proud to introduce you this song on my YouTube channel.


Just copy and paste the following link in a new window: 





Here some pics from the studio together with Julia and Tobias Obentheuer on the mixing desk.




 “... you rule ...”



“... great to hear you play - you sounded awesome! ...”



“... I am very impressed by your solo CD ...”



“... I finally had the chance to hear your CD ... it sounds incredible ...”



What one musician hardly could do on a piano or guitar Ralf Gauck succeed on bass: the polyphony. He plays in a fascinating balance melodies, bass lines and rhythms, like its the most normal thing in the world. Gauck plays without technical aids, created orchestral sounds with only 4 strings on his own style.

Ralf Gauck has redefined the bass playing. His playing style gives him the status, to be unique in Europe and thus to present a two-hour solo concert. The press calls him "Basswonder," the audience "master of the soft sound" and the German Popstiftung awarded him the German Rock & Pop Award in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2017 in the categories "Best German Bassplayer" and "Best German Instrumental Soloplayer". The world famous weekly press DIE ZEIT posted his CD FIELDS OF GOLD in the highscoretable "best CDs of 2007"


He was invited to prestigious festivals around the world, such as the Guitar Festival Ballainvilliers / France, the Bassday UK in Manchester or the world's largest Beatles festival, "Abbey Road on the River" Louisville / USA, "Beatle Week" Liverpool / UK, Nemzetközi Akusztikusgitar Festival / Hungary or the "Open Strings Festival" in Osnabrück. In addition, he can boast to have played as the first and only bass player in the world's most famous music club, the Cavern Club in Liverpool / UK a solo concert. His CD FIELDS OF GOLD even was supported by STING.


Gauck has high claims. For this reason he recorded his music in the world-famous "Abbey Road Studios" / London or in the "Rainbow Studios" / Oslo. Ralf Gauck worked with artists such as Michael Manring, Sandor Szabo, the instrumental ensemble Chantal, Tony Sheridan, Bob Bonastre, Peter Ratzenbeck, Chris Jones, Kosho (Söhne Mannheims), Jacques Stotzem, Andres Godoy, Claus Boesser-Ferrari, Herman's Hermits or the Wings drummer Denny Seiwell. He produced refernez CDs for the company Bose and Dynaudio and works as a author for European magazines.


In 2014 the German bassluthier Franz Bassguitars released the Sirius Ralf Gauck signature fretless bass.

in 2024 the German company Marleaux Bass released the Spock four string Ralf Gauck bass.



... some words about Ralf's bass playing taken from the Internet:


" ...  At last! A solo bassist who actually plays a melody and not just slapping and weird noises! I could listen to this for hours. Brilliant. Please keep sharing your music. ... "


"...  WOW! That song was beautiful. The bass, incredible. I don't like single cut bass but I could totally make an exception and look the other way. The melody has such a soothing tone, I've listened to it around 20 times … "


"... Ralf Gauck is one of my favorite bassists. He relishes in the harmonic/melodic classical fingerstyle instead of going off into crazy slap mode like many solo bassists do. … "


"... I usually don't care too much for solo bass playing. I tend to enjoy a lot more the contrast between the bass and the other instruments. But this piece of music is too beautiful not to like. Thank you, Ralf … "


"... Beautiful! First video I see from the beginning to end in a while. A pleasure to hear real music for bass. Thanks a lot. … "